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Weekly Reflection with Jess {5}

May 25th-May 31st

Does anyone else feel like this week has been going on for ever?! Hearts and feelings are heavy this week with another innocent black life lost. #BlackLivesMatter . I hope this upcoming week is better.

I had a really busy week! I am noticing that I am starting to feel how I did before quarantine. I am happy that I am noticing it because that means I can change it. Quarantine really gave me an opportunity to think about what I want to do and what really makes me happy. I hope to take what I learned about myself during quarantine and apply it now that everything is slowly starting to open up again. I want to meditate more this week to stay grounded.

What was I grateful for this week?

☆I am grateful for my voice that I can use to speak up.

☆I am grateful for my gym fam, we have some really exciting stuff in the works!

What I did well this past week?

☆Living in the moment.

☆Knowing that everything heals with time.

What are my priorities for this upcoming week?

☆SCHEDULING and planning out my week and my workouts.

☆Going to sleep earlier.

Thanks for reading!





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