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5 Days of Journaling: Day 4

Jess Grossfeld

Day 4

Today's journal prompt is going to be all about love.

Romantic relationships, friendships, and self love.

What does your love life look like? Do you give love easily? Do you keep your heart open? Do you close up when it comes to love? Has a loved one hurt you in the past? We are diving deep into your love life!



  1. Describe your ideal partner. I want you to write down "My ideal partner is"... Try not to make it about looks. Yes, you might want someone tall but at the end of the day is that really what matters most? Try something like "My ideal partner is caring. My ideal partner is driven. My ideal partner is active."

  2. Once you have your list, take a look at the list. Do you yourself possess these qualities? It is important to realize that you probably won't attract someone with these qualities if you don't have them yourself. For example: You want someone that is active. But you hate working out. How do you expect to be with someone that loves working out? And even if you did find that person, it might be hard to maintain a relationship with someone that hates the very thing that you love! This can also be applied for something like trustworthiness: you want someone trustworthy yet you yourself lie all the time... that just doesn't work.

  3. Reflect on your own attributes. If you want to attract someone, you must first work on yourself. I invite you to write down some of your own attributes (I am outgoing, I am funny, etc.) and then see if those align with what you want to attract in someone else. If you want someone adventurous, you might want to try doing some adventurous things!

  4. Don't force it. An affirmation that I have been loving lately is: "Love will find me when I'm ready." This brings me so much peace. I am working on myself and when I am ready love will find me! Write that affirmation down or pick one that resonates with you.


  1. When you think about your significant other, how do they make you feel?

  2. What is your partner's love language? What is your love language? What could you do to make them feel more loved?

  3. Do you have clear and healthy communication with them? When something bothers you, is it easy for you to talk to them about it? If not, write down some ways you could be better at communicating your feelings. Is there anything that you need from them? Write it down!

  4. Let them know how much you appreciate and love them.


Do you keep your friendships alive? I know during this pandemic it has been a lot harder to see friends. It requires more effort. Have you made the effort? Text? Facetime? Or have you pushed your friendships to the side? Write out "I am grateful for *insert friends name*". Friends are important to have, just make sure that they have your best interest at heart and want what's best for you. It is also important to note that people can drain your energy. If you have a friend that you always feel worse after seeing, it might be wise for you to take a step back from them. Not in a mean way, but for your own wellbeing.

Self love

This might be the hardest one of them all. Self love is so important. It is the foundation for every other relationship that you have. The way you think about yourself will reflect in your other relationships.

  1. Write a few things that you love about yourself. (I love my hair, I love my eyes, etc.)

  2. Write down "I am 100% worthy, whole, and complete!" Repeat that until you believe it.

Just know that you are an amazing person and you deserve love. If it hasn't happened for you yet, it will happen. Don't rush it, don't chase it. Anyone that is meant to be in your life will be in it. If someone leaves your life whether that be a friend or significant other, let them. Better things are coming. Sometimes you don't get what you want because you deserve better. Be confident in yourself and your amazingness!!!


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