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Jess Grossfeld

1. Get a reusable water bottle!

This is something that is so easy to do and SO helpful! You can bring it with you wherever you go. I like mine to have a straw because I think its easier and allows me to drink more. I end up spilling it all over my face if I don't have a straw lol. A straw also makes it more handsfree so you can drink while you're exercising, driving, etc.

I recommend a Hydroflask or a Camelback. But honestly any water bottle will do!

A Hydroflask will keep your water cold for 24 hours--even if its left in a hot car! They are a bit pricey but they are having a 25% off sale on their entire website right now until July 4th.

Camelbacks are definitely cheaper but they still get the job done well. I don't recommend leaving a Camelback in the car but they are great to bring on the go because they are light weight.

2. Add fruit to your water!

I know that sometimes water just gets boring. This is where fruit comes in and makes it really interesting! I recommend trying lemon, cucumber, orange, strawberries...etc! There are so many different combinations that you can make. I think adding these fruits to your water just makes it taste better which in turn will make you want to drink more. I recommend throwing away the old fruit and putting new fruit in after 2 days.

3. Eat fruit with high water content!

If you don't feel like drinking, eat something that contains a lot of water. Watermelon is the best thing for this! It is so refreshing and a great snack to have during these summer months. Cucumber is another food that has a lot of water in it so feel free to snack on that too!

4. Stop drinking soda!!!

I'm pretty sure I stopped drinking soda when I was in elementary school because I knew how bad it was for your overall health. Soda is doing absolutely nothing for you and is not benefitting you in any way. It erodes/decays your teeth--I did a science fair project on this and it was true! According to the Wisconsin Dental Association, sugar from soda combines with bacteria in your mouth to form acid that weakens tooth enamel every time you drink it!

Also if you are trying to lose weight, drinking soda is just straight up drinking your calories. It's not worth it!

If you 'need' something bubbly, try substituting soda for a flavored sparkling water. Some brands that I have seen are Sparkling ICE and LaCroix.

Other tips:

If you're sitting/laying out in the sun, or you're at the beach, be sure to drink water throughout that whole time because that will really dehydrate you quickly!

Also, take a look at what color your pee is next time you go! If it is bright yellow, you definitely need to drink more water! You should be shooting for a pale yellow/almost clear color.

How much water do you need a day?

The average man needs about 3.5 liters (118 oz) and the average woman needs about 2.5 liters (84 oz). If you have a 32 oz water bottle, a man would want to drink 3-4 of those a day and a woman would want to drink 2-3 of those a day.

According to the Mayo Clinic, water makes up 60% of your body weight. If you sweat at all during the day you are losing some of that water. This means that you need to replenish it in order to keep your body working at its best. Especially in these summer months it is so important to keep drinking water throughout the day because even if you aren't working out it is hot and you'll probably be sweating!

Water has so many benefits:

It gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements

It regulates your body temperature

It lubricates and cushions joints


Lack of water can lead to dehydration and headaches which no one wants! Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you feel tired. You have probably experienced this and say "I know I don't drink enough water!" Stop saying that and just do it!

Even if you aren't "thirsty" you should still be drinking water. By the time you actually feel thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated.

Thanks for reading and I hope this has inspired you :)

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