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Jess Grossfeld

The time has come, everyone is headed back to school. It is so weird that for the first time I am not! I still can't really believe that I have graduated college.

I know that it can be tough to balance school and working out, but I have some tips! You can also use these tips if you are out of school and are working or just need some help getting a routine started. Here are some tips that helped me stick to a workout routine during the school year.

  1. Sit down and look at your class schedule (or work schedule).

  2. Set a time every day (doesn't have to be the same time) to workout and COMMIT to that time. Just imagine that you have to go to the gym like you have to go to class. (Assuming that you never miss class haha)

  3. Write down when you will be going to the gym. This can be written down on paper or on your phone--whichever you prefer. Having a tangible schedule is beneficial, especially when you are juggling multiple things at once.

  4. Go at the same time on the same days every week. For example, if your class starts at 2pm on Monday, then plan to go to the gym at 10am. And every Monday you'll go to the gym at 10am. If your class on Tuesday starts at 11am, then plan to go to the gym at 3pm. And every Tuesday you'll go to the gym at 3pm. This creates a routine.

  5. I personally love routine. It makes it harder to come up with excuses. If you know you're going to the gym at 10am tomorrow then plan for it and don't make excuses because you know you have to go! Also, if you know that you won't be able to go back home after class/work then you'll know that you have to bring your gym bag with you.

  6. Look at the GROUP EXERCISE schedule. I am 99% sure that every school rec center or gym has group exercise classes. At first I was iffy about group classes. But now I know that they are such great motivators. It is really motivating when you know that you have a class to be at. They're helpful if you're one of those people that say you'll leave in 5 minutes but ends up leaving an hour later. If you're late to a class then you miss it! The instructor is usually motivating and the other people in the class can be encouraging and supportive! It is easy to not push yourself when you're working out by yourself. But when the teacher is telling you to push harder and the people next to you are going all out, it will make you want to do the same!

  7. ​Tip for group classes: Stand in the back until you get more comfortable. Don't get discouraged if the first class is hard or you feel dumb or not fit. Keep going back and it will keep getting easier.

  8. Grab a friend or a roommate and make them go to the gym with you! Keep each other accountable. Sometimes it is easy to let yourself down but harder to let someone else down. Planning to workout with someone else makes it harder to back out of!

I hope you find these tips helpful! I created a basic calendar template that you can print out to keep track of your workout routine! Click HERE for the calendar.

Thanks for reading! :)


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